Minecraft Server JailedMC | Classic Prison |

JailedMC is a classic non-op prison server, the way prison was meant to be played. Over the couse of the last month, the administrative team has been working to create the best grand opening (beta) possible. With that being said, I would like to give you the jist of what JailedMC is about.
JailedMC is a prison, a prison where money matters. When you first join, you will be in the general population, this houses ranks G, F, and E. You advanced through the ranks by mining and/or doing quests. Quests are located throughout the map and there may even be a secret market located in General Population to get you some extra supplies along the way... who knows.

Status: Online
IP: jailedmc.apexmc.co:25580
Uptime: 97.5%
Players: 1/1337
Embed codes

Tags: Economy Prison PvP

Added: Admin Created: 12/08/2020